
All information about the veterinary medicine program can be found on the faculty webpage

Teaching in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology includes:

Undergraduate education in pharmacology and toxicology for students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year.

The teaching starts in the second academic year of the Vetsuisse-Curriculum with the basics of pharmacology (kinetic, dynamic, adverse reactions) and toxicology, and is completed by lectures in antimicrobial agents. Up to the bachelor specific pharmacology is refined in the context of organ-oriented teaching. Teaching of the law concerning drugs, pharmacies and prescriptions as well as issues related to animal poisoning (toxicology) is integrated in the master.

We coordinate the curriculum and teaching load in collaboration with the Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology at the Vetsuisse faculty in Zurich.

Postgraduate education includes experimental research leading to a Dr. med. vet. or PhD degree (Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences)

Updated handouts are available on the faculty's document server for Vetsuisse-students only.